In today’s episode, I discuss how to do one foot turns (or 3 turns) while roller skating. They are called 3 turns because you make a number 3 on the floor when you do the turn. After we do some 3 turns forwards to backwards, we then do them backwards to forwards. Then, I talk about doing them in an around the world fashion like you would see an artistic skater when they do a travelling camel into a full camel spin.
I also had a little aside in this episode talking all about roller skate wheels and wheel durometer. I have written about that extensively already here on the site. Here are just a few of the articles that will give you more details about wheels and what I discussed:
- Best Roller Skate Wheels – See the 10 tips section
- Artistic Roller Skate Wheels – These are some of the best wheels for art skaters – or anyone trying to get a little more slide in their skates.
- Finally, if you really want some slide, check out the best jam skate wheels page. I have several recommendations on this page on roller skate wheels for sliding. That is where you will find the wood and clay wheels I mentioned.
To see me doing one foot turns, check out my Roller Skating Tricks article where I have videos of me performing some of the techniques I discussed today.
And, if you are having a hard time roller skating, be sure to check out my page all about How to Roller Skate. On that page you will find videos of yours truly skating.
Episode 30 Transcript
[0:02] Hey everybody. Welcome to the Roller Skate Dad Podcast.
This is episode # 30.
[0:13] Let’s get started. Yeah, welcome to the roller skate Dad podcast.
The show that covers everything and anything in the wonderful world of roller skating.
Now, here’s your host, the roller skate dad himself, Jeff stone.
[0:37] Hey everybody, Welcome to the roller skate Dad podcast. I’m so glad you all could join me.
I can’t believe it. We’re at episode 30 wow. 30 episodes.
[0:48] All right, So today we’re going to continue the getting started roller skating series and we’re going to discuss today doing one ft turns, so we’re really starting to increase the skill set.
[1:02] Um but before we get started, let’s do a quick recap of the getting started roller skating series.
[1:10] Um over the last few episodes, we’ve discussed getting in the right skaters mindset, you know, believing you can do this, that you got this, picking out your first pair of roller skates was the next episode.
There actually were two episodes on that topic and then making sure you have the right safety equipment was the following episode.
Then we covered roller skating basics, like falling down and how to properly get up from the ground, And then we did 10 different ways to stop on roller skates. Then we discussed skating forwards without falling down.
Next, we went over balance, standing on one ft and doing crossovers.
Then we discussed skating backwards for the first time.
Then I went over doing backwards crossovers and last week we talked all about doing two ft turns.
So this week we’re really going to ratchet it up and we’re going to discuss how to do one ft turns. That’s right.
This episode, it’s all about turning from forwards to backwards and backwards to forwards on one ft.
[2:14] And just like with two ft turns, you can do one ft turns going counterclockwise or clockwise.
[2:21] Um So of course, I think it goes without saying that your balance needs to be really good on one ft to do this,
but skating for both skating forwards and backwards,
if you can’t skate on one ft, then I would, you know, don’t don’t try one ft turns, you need to be able to, you know, skate on one ft going forwards, be able to skate on one ft going backwards pretty easily,
before you really start trying to attempt this.
This is definitely a more advanced move and you know, you should really be good at doing two ft turns to as well to progress up to this level.
Um you’ve got to be able to skate forwards and backwards. Well um As we’ll be turning from forward to backward, skating over and over again.
So one ft terms are sometimes also called a three turn Because you end up drawing the number three with your skates.
When you turn, this is a turn going from forward skating backward skating, it also starts on the outside edge of your skate,
and then once you turn, you will be on the inside edge of your skate while rolling backwards.
[3:36] So let’s talk about doing a three turn. This turn starts by rolling forward on one ft.
[3:43] So let’s start out on your right foot, you know, as I’m sure most of you out there are right handed, make sure your knee is bent, you know, you want to make sure it’s bent quite a bit and that you’re leaning on the outside edge of your skate,
you know, put pressure on your pinky toe basically, or your front outside wheel, you know, however you like to think about it, you’ll then lean on that one ft on the outside edge.
Now, before you turn, let’s use your arms, raise your arms up and put your left arm in front and your right arm and back.
This will really help you with balance as you balance on your right leg, your left foot should be off the floor and outstretched straight behind you.
It’s going to remain in this position while you do the turn.
[4:30] So next we’re going to make the turn because you’re on your right foot, you’re going to be turning clockwise, so you’re going to turn your head first, then your shoulders and your hips, your foot turns last.
You want to really dig into that outside edge while you’re rolling forward.
You do this by over exaggerating the bend in your right knee and shifting your weight over to the outside edge and forward.
So you really want to make sure that you’re accentuating that, lean into that outside edge.
And as you do the turn, you’re going to be pressing hard enough into that outside edge, that the inside wheel on your heel, we’ll lift up just a little bit off the ground as you’re doing the turn, may not even notice it.
Those of you who can already do one ft turns, you probably do them so fast that you don’t even realize that that’s happening if you’re doing this properly, if you’re really pushing down into that outside edge,
so you want to dig in far enough to make the turn, but not so far obviously, that you fall over.
Um If you do lean over too far, obviously you just tumble to the side,
so this knee bend and the edge control really.
[5:43] Allows you to more easily slide the foot from forwards to backwards, so, you know, as you bend into that,
more and accentuate that, lean more onto that outside edge, it makes it easier to actually turn the skate,
across the surface.
And so as you turn your foot you’ll raise up on on the knee a little and you’ll turn your head and shoulders and make the turn,
and once you’ve completed the turn, you’re going to notice that your right arm is now in front and your left arm is behind you as you’re rolling backwards.
So, you know, you use your arms basically to kind of counterbalance you at least while you’re rolling forward, and then when you roll backwards, that right arm will actually be in front instead of the left.
[6:32] Um So when you’re first practicing and learning this technique, you know, it’s going to feel more like a a tiny hop than a slide of the foot.
[6:40] And, but as you get better, you’re gonna be able to, you know, have more balance and it will be more of a slide of the foot.
[6:48] Um So here’s some tips, you know, to help you out if you’re struggling, you know, one ft turns, I’m just going to say it is an advanced technique, so, you know, don’t be upset if you can’t do them, especially right off the bat.
Um don’t, you know, don’t give up, it definitely takes a lot of practice.
Um This is probably one of the main skills that I practice,
um when I’m at a skating rink and one of the, one of the techniques that I still practice a lot and I don’t always do them perfectly, takes takes some practice.
So to remember, you know, if you’re struggling, remember to have your knees bent, you know, it’s, it’s like anything else you want to make sure that knee that you’re skating on, you know, the foot that you’re skating on, that you have the knee bent on that foot.
Remember to use your arms arms are super important, Especially anything with one ft Any jump arms are important, any turn on one ft arms are important.
It’s less important when you’re talking about two ft skating.
Um except for you, beginners out there who are having trouble with balance.
Um but when you get onto one ft, everything becomes harder with balance way harder. And so the arms are super important.
You know, it’s also important to remember to turn your head, your shoulders and your hips while you’re turning and in that order, you know, before you turn your foot.
[8:16] Um A lot of times people actually try to do a turn and not turn their upper body and they’ll just try to turn their foot.
Um That’s a recipe for disaster.
Um, You know, remember too, that one ft turns are really all about body weight and edges.
You know, you’re shifting your body weight to one side and using that weight and momentum to actually turn yourself.
[8:40] So you want to practice holding the outside edge while you’re skating forwards.
You know even without making the turn, you can just kind of lean to the side and lean onto that outside edge.
And if you lean hard enough you can actually kind of almost just do a little circle around the floor and the tighter that you can make that circle, The better you are at balancing on that one edge on that outside edge.
And so you’re gonna be shifting your body weight all to that one side and using that weight and momentum to help turn yourself.
[9:15] And so you want to practice holding the outside edge while you’re skating forwards, make sure you have good balance rolling forward.
And that you can hold that outside edge without falling down or without putting your other foot down.
And you should be skating on your right foot with your left foot and leg outstretched behind you.
[9:34] That’s the proper way to do these turns, then you stop turn around and practice holding the inside edge while rolling backwards on your right foot with your left leg outstretched behind you.
So basically, you know the point I’m trying to make here is that you want to practice rolling on the outside edge when you’re rolling forward.
And then practice rolling on your inside edge while you’re rolling backwards. And if you can’t do that turn you can actually just practice.
[10:07] Rolling on the edges. So you know while you’re skating forwards roll on the outside edge, while you’re skating backwards, roll on the inside edge.
And that at least gives you the before and the after of the turn itself And practicing um practicing that move basically.
So you want to make sure that you can do that first before you perform the turn portion.
You know if you’re struggling, you know with any technique you want to go out, try it, see if you can do it a few dozen times and if you can’t you’re like I need more then practice actually just skating on those edges without the turd itself.
[10:47] Once you can once you know, okay I can hold these edges just fine without any balance issues.
Then you can just focus on the turn itself and that is actually the hardest part. Obviously the turn not the edges but um but that maybe it will help you.
Um You know, one technique you can try is to practice the turn without skates on and it’s gonna be harder to do like in,
in grass, you’re not going to easily be able to do this in grass, but you know if you put like on a pair of socks on right and then you find some tile, you know, some wood or maybe even some smooth concrete.
I’m thinking like my garage that’s pretty smooth.
Um You can practice sliding your foot on that, you know, carpet is going to work to grass.
Like I said it’s gonna work too, but it’s gonna be tougher to slide on and then you can practice your turn going forward uh to backward too.
Um That way, and it just kind of makes it it can make it easier um Just because you don’t have the skate on itself.
[11:52] Um So I can admit this is, you know, sometimes going to be harder than actually doing the turns on skates, you know, while you’re rolling.
But I do like to tell people often, and I still believe it, even with turns, that, you know, the more that you can practice stuff and understand what you’re really doing without your skates on before you put your skates on.
It. Makes it easier once you have the skates on and you’re rolling to understand, okay, what is it exactly that I’m doing here?
Um really understanding the positioning and the and the movements that you’re doing all right?
So, you know, once you’ve got that, I know that might take awhile, but once you got that, you know, you can switch up, you know, do the other foot and, you know, switch over onto the left foot.
Pretty much the same thing. You know, the only difference on the left foot is going to be that everything is flipped, you know, including the turning direction.
So when you’re on your right foot and you’re doing three turns, you’re turning clockwise when you’re on your left foot and you’re doing three turns, you’re you’re going counterclockwise.
[12:59] Um so skate with your left foot, you know, skate on your left foot, rolling forward, dig into that outside edge, turn counterclockwise until you’re rolling backwards on your inside edge on the left foot.
[13:15] So again, you know, you want to make sure you have your arms outstretched in that t position in this case put your right arm in front and let your left arm and back.
[13:26] You know, it’s the opposite arm to leg, you know, that just, it really helps with counterbalancing.
You don’t have to do that as you get better, you can put your left arm in front feels actually a little more natural,
but for beginners, it can actually really help to put the right arm in front if you’re on your left foot and put the left arm in front if you’re on your right foot because it does offer this kind of counterbalance and you’ll feel it when you skate if you do it that way.
Um So also remember that if you’re on your left foot doing your turns, which is the way I prefer to do them because I’m left handed and just feel better on the left foot,
you’re gonna want to remember that your right foot needs to be up off the ground and it should be outstretched behind you, you know, behind your left leg.
Um You know, so for many of you, you know, this is going to be harder on your left leg for others, you may find it easier because, you know, you’re turning counterclockwise, it just depends, you’re going to have to try it for yourself and see which one is easier for you.
I’m always better on my left leg,
pretty much with everything and I think a lot of that has to do to for me with the fact that uh you know, axl jumps and waltz jumps and things of that nature done off your left leg, there’s actually a lot of jumps that start off the left leg,
um and artistic skating and so I just always plus I’m left handed, always was more dominant that way, but you know, you’re just gonna have to try it for yourself to see which is better for for you.
[14:54] But you know also this is why practice is so important,
you know, you’re just going to keep practicing both, you know, practice on the left leg, Practice on the right leg I do and it it really helps um you know, I practice actually on my right leg more because I feel better on my left leg.
So I would recommend the same thing to you, you know the,
the leg that you feel uh less stable on once you can do it on one leg, you know, you switch over to the other one, like, oh this one’s harder and that’s the one that you want to improve on more.
So work on that one a little bit more when you’re you know, working on new skills, so we talked a lot about how to how to turn forwards to backwards.
[15:40] How about turning forwards From backwards?
So if you’re rolling backwards on one ft we’re going to talk about how you go about actually turning forwards and obviously this is this is a lot harder,
so we’re gonna switch it up a little bit here, so this is very similar to the forwards to backwards.
It’s just starts by rolling backwards first.
So you want to start by skating on your right foot going backwards and your left foot should be outstretched behind you, your left arm will be in front and your right arm behind you.
Now, just as when you were rolling forwards, bend down on your knee and skate on the outside edge of your skate, turn your head, shoulder, hips And then foot clockwise 180°.
You’re inside back wheel should lift slightly off the ground as you make this turn and there you go to you did it once you master that you can switch and try the left foot and going counterclockwise.
[16:46] So I know I made it sound really easy, it’s actually pretty hard, it takes quite a bit of practice to go from,
back from rolling backwards to turn one ft turn into rolling forward, but it’s pretty much the same technique.
[17:02] You’re just rolling backwards instead of rolling forwards.
[17:07] And you know what’s coming next? Because we did it last week with the two ft turns.
Once you can do one ft turns, going forward to backward and backward and forward Around the world on one ft.
So we’re gonna that’s kind of what I call it, right?
Doing one ft turns around the world, and what that means basically is you do.
[17:31] You’re rolling forward, you do a forward to backward turn, then you do a backward to forward turn, then you do a forward to backward turn, then you do a backward to forward turn, you just keep going over and over and over again.
If you watched any olympic uh skating out there, you see this when a figure skater is going into a camel spin,
the camel spin is when the skater is on, usually their left leg,
can be either leg actually, and they do one turn, they’ll do the forward, backward turn over and over and over again, and then go into,
the camel spin where there, let’s say on their left leg, and their right leg is 90 degrees.
[18:17] Up in the air, and they’re spinning basically on that one ft.
So this is, I’m sure there’s a real technical name for it. I call it around the world, because I don’t do camel spins anymore.
I’m too old, just joking, just joking.
Never too old to do anything, but um, I don’t do these do camel spins anymore, but that’s basically the entry into a camel spin is basically doing these one ft turns over and over again.
Yeah, it’s just a it’s a great way to basically practice doing a more advanced technique.
[18:58] So we’ve talked a lot about outside edge ah three turns as they’re called.
And you know, I focused this entire podcast on, you know, just doing those outside edge turns, they tend to be the easiest for those who are just learning,
but it’s important to understand that a lot of these turns especially are, are really rooted in artistic skating.
So there are so many different one ft types of turns to do.
Um I’m just gonna cover these three turns, but which are all on the outside edge, however, you know, you can do all the same on your inside edge as well,
so that would be the big toe on your skates, right,
and then turning basically the opposite way.
Maybe we’ll do another podcast episode in the future on, on some of those.
Um I can actually do some of the inside edge turns, but I don’t do them as often, you know, if you want to try them, it’s, you know, pretty easy to understand how to do them.
You simply skate on the inside edge and you know, you turn the other way counterclockwise on your right foot clockwise on your left foot.
I wanted to talk a little bit because um those of you who are struggling, um maybe trying to do one ft turns and are like.
[20:27] I can’t slide my foot, I don’t understand,
like I can’t get the foot to actually slide, I’m having to hop all my one ft turns, I can do them because I have good balance and I’m hopping my turn, but my wheels are not actually sliding,
so I wanted to talk a little bit about wheel Deromedi er and that’s another name for wheel hardness.
[20:51] And you know the skating surface that you’re skating on and this can make a big difference, you know, not having the right wheels, having the wrong kind of wheels on your skates can actually you know, make it harder to do these turns.
So you know, it’s much much easier to do one ft turns on smooth surfaces.
So things like a wood rink floor um sports court or you know, smooth concrete. So like sports court would be like a tennis court is what I’m thinking of.
Not not your typical blacktop basketball courts which are usually at least here in texas are made out of asphalt.
Um But you know, you want a smooth surface, smooth concrete, like your garage, right or your basement when you have that, you know, but you got to make sure you also have the right kind of wheels.
So you know, if you read my blog or you go back and listen to some of the earlier episodes in this series um You’re gonna remember that.
I recommend that beginners go with a soft outdoor wheel and you know something like the adam pulse.
[21:58] You know, which is a 78 a deer ammeter. Um for those of you who are beginners don’t really understand your ammeter.
Dura mater is basically a device That’s actually what it is. It’s a little scientific device and it has a little pin on it and when you push it against the surface it tells you how hard that surface is.
And it’s measured in a number scale really from 1 to 100 but it actually goes up past 100.
And um they make special durum eaters for measuring the hardness of different types of materials.
Um So I have a shore line, a Deromedi er which is where you get the a on the end of the 78 A.
Um and they have different types of barometers. They have them for measuring different kinds of materials.
The a uh the a durum iter is actually used for measuring the hardness of urethane or plastics basically.
And so you use um this Deromedi and you push it up against the wheel and it will actually tell you how hard the wheel is.
Um and you can buy one of these on amazon. I have one, I’ll put it in the show notes.
[23:09] Um it’s not obviously the ones you buy on amazon are going to be pretty low quality.
These things can cost thousands of dollars. The high end ones do.
Obviously I didn’t spend that. I spent like 30 bucks on the one that I bought.
So I mean obviously the more money you spend, the more precise the instrument is and the better it is at measuring a lot of these, um, roller skating manufacturers actually have their, you know, wheels produced.
[23:39] Either they produce them themselves or they produce them somewhere where they have a higher end piece of equipment, I’m sure, than the, than the little dinky Deromedi er that I bought on amazon.
But if you’re curious in this kind of stuff, you can you can buy one.
Um, and I’ll put a link to that in the show notes for those of you who are a little, you know, nerdy geeky, like me and like to do that kind of stuff.
Um, But anyway, going back to the wheels, the reason why I recommend the softer wheels, Uh, like a 78 a for uh, is because they’re they’re soft and so they’re going to be more stable.
They’re gonna roll slower, softer wheels roll slower period.
And so, you know, that makes them respond more to your weight on the wheel.
[24:26] So what that means is that the, you know, the wheel digs down into the surface, more under your weight,
the more you weigh, the more pressure you put down onto that plastic and down onto that wheel and the more it digs into the surface and so that uh, you know, it’s going to give you a lot greater stability.
So that’s super important for beginners, right, beginners need stability. So a softer wheel really helps beginners with balance and stability and you know, for rolling super smooth on rough surfaces like asphalt.
So that’s why I recommend those softer wheels. The other reason why I recommend them is because you can skate with your skates anywhere.
You know, if you have really hard wheels on your skates and you try to go skate out on the texas asphalt, you’re gonna hate skating on that asphalt.
I can guarantee it because your legs are just gonna jiggle from the rough surface against those hard wheels.
I mean, I have hard wheels, I’ve actually skated with them before on asphalt.
[25:27] It bothers me and I have a lot of experience, I’ve been skating on for a long time and it’s like, I don’t want to skate with these wheels on my skates on a really hard surface for very long.
So, you know when you’re when you have these really soft wheels like this though and you’re trying to slide your foot across that skating surface,
it’s a lot harder to do that because the plastic in the wheel is not made and is digging deeper into the surface that you’re skating on because it’s so soft.
[26:02] So, therefore, it makes it a whole lot harder to slide it.
So, you know, 78 A soft wheels are really good for beginners, but they’re not so good if you’re an intermediate to advanced skater,
you know, looking to do one ft turns, we’re gonna be talking about spins here coming up, same is true for spins, it’s harder to spin on those wheels.
I’m not saying you can’t do it, I’m just saying it’s harder, right?
Um, so, I’m not saying you have to go out though and buy new wheels to do one ft turns and, you know, be able to slide.
However, there is a reason right why artistic roller skaters use hard wheels.
All art skaters out there are going to use hard wheels.
And almost every indoor art skater I know, always has used hard wheels and that’s the reason why, So, you know, you’re gonna want to check the Deromedi er, of the wheels, you don’t have to go buy a fancy, you know,
device to do it, you just look at the page or uh, look at the number on the wheel when you see the picture of the wheel, and that will tell you um,
how hard the wheel actually is.
And then you need to think about the skating surface that you’re using.
Um just, you know, as I said, harder wheels are just much, much easier to slide on and a one ft turn than softer wheels.
[27:27] And I really love and you know, highly recommend the roller bones elite wheels.
They have two different versions. One that comes in a 101 a Deromedi er uh you know, so,
101 and another that comes in at a super slick 103 a and that’s the one I use, I like um.
[27:50] I like the 103 A one because it’s, it’s pretty slick and even though it has such a high Deromedi er reading and it is really hard, it actually seems to have pretty good grip, at least on most of the surfaces that I skate on.
Now I do skate at a rink that often has plastic put down on the floor, on the wood floor, so it’s super tight.
Um if you’re skating at the rink that doesn’t have plastic on the floor, you may find these wheels too slippery,
um and you’re, you’ll know because your feet would slide out from underneath you now, you know, it’s important important to understand too that I, I mean I’ve been skating for a lot longer than I’m sure some of you out there, others, we probably have skated for about the same amount of time,
you know, I have a dozen plus wheels in my garage,
and you know, I’m the first to say that.
[28:45] I can do one ft turns in all of them, you know, it doesn’t matter really, the dura mater that much once you’re good at skating, however, you know, it’s still a lot easier even for me to do them properly with a hard wheel,
than on the soft outdoor wheels,
you know, on the on the softer outdoor wheels. Sometimes I have to do a little hop.
You know, a little bit more deliberately picking up my heel. Uh you know, when I’m in my soft outdoor wheels,
so I’m not saying you have to have hard wheels, I’m not saying you have to go out and buy new wheels if you, you know, have been listening to my advice so far and you bought outdoor skates.
[29:24] That’s more important as a beginner, because it’s about, you know, really being able to practice as much as possible and,
you know, not all of us live next to a roller rink or even have a roller rink anywhere near us, so outdoor skating a lot of times is the only thing we got,
and so even for someone like me, where there’s a rink an hour away, um, you know, it’s still about an hour away, it’s two hours out of my day just to get to the rink.
Um, so I don’t go all the time and so I practiced a lot outside, just realize that it will be a little bit harder to do.
You know, some of these techniques, like one ft turns on,
certain surfaces with certain types of wheels, that’s all that I was really trying to,
to make the point on um, and for those of you who do have the extra budget and want to try something, there’s a lot of wheels out there, a lot of different wheels to try and I’m,
hoping to do some articles and maybe even some podcast episodes in the future talking about that, um, if you really want wheels that slide, this is just a little aside, but if you really want wheels that slide, they make wheels that are wood wheels.
There literally would they’re not made out of urethane, they’re not made out of plastic. There would, there’s another type that’s made out of a material called Van ethane.
[30:44] I think I’m saying that correctly, there’s not very many wheels like this, but they make some like that and they’re even harder. It’s like a clay material.
Um and it’s super hard as well. Um I’ll put a link to those in the show notes.
For those of you who are interested. I wrote an article, oh, I guess it was about a month or two ago and it was all about Rhythm.
[31:09] Wheels and jam skating wheels.
And there’s several that are in that list, especially for rhythm skaters, that are super hard and they’re super small.
Uh we’re talking like, you know, most wheels that I recommend that most skaters skate on or like, you know, 57 mm or 62 mm or 65 mm in diameter.
These are like 45 millimeter or 30 millimeter, They’re really small.
These are really, really small wheels and they’re super easy to do one ft turns on if you have balance.
If not you’re going down because they’re super slick.
It’s very hard to actually skate a normal session in these unless you really have practice.
Um, they slide really well.
[32:02] Um, so anyway, I just thought I’d throw that out there as a little aside. There’s so many different wheels out there.
Um, honestly, in my opinion, wheels are the roller skates.
You know, once you find a good pair of boots and you find a skate plate that you like, you can buy dozens of different wheels and try all different kinds of things out and the wheels really make the roller skate what it is.
I think that is going to be it for today’s episode. I just want to thank you guys all again for being here.
I hope you enjoyed it, you know, and as you can tell, you know, we’re continuing to, you know, build up the harder skills and I plan to take you still just a little bit further.
I’m going to go as far as some basic artistic skating jumps and spins next week we’re going to talk about doing our first artistic skating jump, the bunny hop.
[32:58] So that’s going to be, that’s gonna be fun. That’s gonna be super fun.
Um you know, if you want to see a transcript of today’s episode or get more information about some of the things I discussed today, then check out the show notes.
You can get those at roller skate dad dot com slash 30.
[33:18] Alright, everybody. I think that’s a wrap until the next time.
Get on out there and skate. Thank you for listening to the Roller skate Dad podcast at www dot roller skate dad dot com.
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Wrapping Up
Thanks again for rollin’ by. If you have a question about the podcast or just want to leave me a note, please comment below.
I hope you will join me every week for a new episode of The Roller Skate Dad podcast.
Please subscribe to the podcast on whichever podcasting platform you listen on. And, don’t forget to join the Roller Skate Dad Club. You can do that easily with just your first name and email address from any page on this website.
Did you like what you heard? Do you want to hear more? Check out these additional episodes:
- Episode 1 – Get Out There & Skate
- Episode 2 – The Roller Skate Wheels Episode
- Episode 3 – The Roller Skate Bearings Show
- Episode 4 – Teaching Roller Skating to Others
- Episode 5 – Roller Skating Injuries & Protective Gear
- Episode 6 – Avid Roller Skater Alberto Quinones
- Episode 7 – Rollergirls: The Story of Flat Track Derby
- Episode 8 – The Roller Skate Boots Show
- Episode 9 – Starting a Roller Skating Rink
- Episode 10 – United Skates Documentary with Tina Brown and Dyana Winkler
- Episode 11 – The Skate Critic with Ginger Mathews
- Episode 12 – Milla Juke-a-bitch
- Episode 13 – Ask Dad: Your Roller Skating Questions Answered
- Episode 14 – Ask Dad – Balancing Exercises, Helping a Child Skate & Picking Skates for Stability
- Episode 15 – UK Artistic Roller Skating Performer, Coach & Organizer Dave Nicholls
- Episode 16 – Building Nonprofit Roller Skating Clubs with Dave Nicholls (part 2)
- Episode 17 – Roller Skating Health Benefits
- Episode 18 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 1: The Skater’s Mindset
- Episode 19 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 2: Tips for Picking Out Your First Roller Skates – Part 1 of 2
- Episode 20 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 3: Tips for Picking Out Your First Roller Skates – Part 2 of 2
- Episode 21 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 4: Choosing Your First Roller Skates
- Episode 22 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 5: Picking Out Your Safety Gear
- Episode 23 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 6: Falling Down & Getting Back Up
- Episode 24 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 7: Learn How to Stop on Roller Skates
- Episode 25 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 8: Skate Forwards Without Falling Down
- Episode 26 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 9: Balance, Standing on One Foot & Crossovers
- Episode 27 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 10: Roller Skating Backwards
- Episode 28 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 11: Doing Backwards Crossovers
- Episode 29 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 12: Doing Two Foot Turns
- Episode 30 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 13: Doing One Foot Turns
- Episode 31 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 14: Doing the Bunny Hop
- Episode 32 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 15: Doing a Waltz Jump
- Episode 33 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 16: Doing a Two Foot Spin
- Episode 34 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 17: Getting into a Roller Sport
Want to Learn More About Skating?
Want more reviews on roller skates? Check out my Best Roller Skates page for a list of all of the quad roller skates I recommend. I also have pages for roller skates for men, roller skates for women and roller skates for kids where I recommend the best skates on the market today. Or, check out my roller skates for beginners if you are completely new to roller skating.
Or, if rollerblades or inline skates are more your style, then check out my rollerblades for men, rollerblades for women or rollerblades for kids pages. Or, if you are completely new, check out my rollerblades for beginners page.