Teaching Children How to Roller Skate
In episode #4 of the Roller Skate Dad podcast, I talked all about my New Year’s resolution for this year and about how to teach others how to roller skate. I go into detail about the following topics:
- My New Year’s resolution for this year – helping at least 1 person every time I skate.
- The 5 steps to teaching someone to roller skate – I take you through the steps I use to teach others this great activity. I used these same steps with my kids, but you can use them to teach anyone how to skate.
- Some tips for the coach, parent or teacher who is helping out that new skater.
- I give you my opinion on skate mates and why you shouldn’t use them.
- And, I discuss the Kids Skate Free program.
Show Notes
- During the show, I mentioned the skate tool I use. The Powerdyne Y Tool. I have a bunch of wrenches and sockets in my garage, but I like this one because its just for my skate bag.
- I also mentioned the Chicago Men’s and Chicago Women’s roller skates that are good for the beginner. These are the same skates my sister and I learned on decades ago. Again, they are not the best skates, but they are great for the first time skater and especially if you are on a budget.
- If you want to see all of the skates & parts that I recommend and use, then please be sure to check out my Resources page.
- Here is a picture of the skate mate that I discuss in the coaching tips section.
- Also, I discuss the Kids Skate Free program. It used to free to join, but sadly, they now have to charge a $4 per year charge per child to get the free skate passes. However, with these passes, my kids skated free once a week for years. That’s definitely worth $4. 🙂
Episode 4 Transcript
Jeff Stone [00:03]: Hey everybody. Welcome to the Roller Skate Dad podcast. This is our fourth episode, episode number four. Let’s get started.
Announcer [00:21]: Welcome to The Roller Skate Dad Podcast. The show that covers everything and anything in the wonderful world of roller skating. Now here’s your host, The Roller Skate Dad himself, Jeff Stone.
Jeff Stone [00:37]: Hey everybody. I want to welcome you to The Roller Skate Dad Podcast. Thanks so much for listening. In the last episode, we talked all about roller skate bearings. In today’s show, I’m going to be talking all about how we teach other people how to roller skate.
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Jeff Stone [00:53]: But first I want to talk to you a little bit about one of my New Year’s resolutions for 2019 and a little bit more about the mission of the Roller Skate Dad website and podcast. You know, one of the reasons why I started the Roller Skate Dad website and podcast is because I just really love roller skating. Ever since I was seven, eight years old, skating in my parents’ driveway and in their kitchen with my sister Kelley, I’ve just loved it. It’s so much fun. And now as an adult, I just want to bring more awareness, attention and interest from others to this great hobby and sport of roller skating.
Jeff Stone [01:35]: I want to see more kids at the rink skating. I want to start hearing about more skating rinks opening and less closing after being in business for decades. I want the roller sports like speed skating and artistic skating and roller derby and roller hockey to soar. I want to see roller sports treated fairly and you know, hopefully see it in the Olympics one day soon. And the only way that, we’re going to see any of those things happen is if we start teaching more kids and teens and adults how to roller skate. And, we have to start showing them how much fun it is and how easy it is to roller skate and that you can do it safely. And that with just a little bit of practice, they can be good at this, too.
Jeff Stone [02:20]: Most of my experience teaching roller skating really comes from when I was a much younger man working at a skating rink. Teaching beginners how to skate forward and skate backward and do crossovers at my local rink. And honestly at that time, you know, age 14 / 15, I didn’t really appreciate teaching at that time and at that age. Whereas today as an adult, I have a much bigger appreciation for teaching as well as for others who are doing that teaching in our community today.
Jeff Stone [02:58]: And now a new year. It’s 2019. Yay! And I’m sure a lot of you have a new year’s resolution to get fit and get in shape, which is great. And roller skating is a great way to do just that. I have a lot of those same new year’s resolutions for myself as well. But for this year I have a different new year’s resolution and for once in my life it’s not about me. And, I haven’t told anybody yet about this new year’s resolution. So you guys, my audience here, are the first ones to hear this. I haven’t even talked to my family about this yet.
Jeff Stone [03:35]: So my resolution for this year is to teach or help at least one person with skating every time that I’m in a skating rink or I’m at a skate park or I’m at some kind of skating based event. Because, as an experience skater, I need to help others. And, each of us has more experience than someone else in skating.
Jeff Stone [03:59]: See, I think one of the ways that we can actually get more kids roller skating and just more people roller skating in general is for us (the more experienced skaters that are out there) to be patient and help someone else who’s just learning and to tell them that they too can learn how to skate just as well as we can. It just takes a little bit of practice to give them words of encouragement and to build up their confidence. That with just a little bit more practice, they too can skate without falling down or they too can do a crossover or do the limbo or spin or skate backwards or speed skate or play roller derby or roller hockey, no matter your age.
Jeff Stone [04:42]: You see we’re all beginners at something. At some point in time, there’s almost always someone that is better than us in everything that we do. And for me, by being more willing to help others with what I already know, I’m trying to open myself up to learning from others too.
Jeff Stone [05:00]: So if you’re listening to this podcast, which obviously you are, chances are you can skate better than someone else that you see out there at your local skating hangout. Sure, maybe you see yourself as a beginner, but if you can stand up and skate and not fall down, then you’re already way ahead of a number of first time beginner skaters that are out there.
Jeff Stone [05:23]: If you are a skating coach or a teacher already listening to me out there, then good for you. I’m proud of you and I want to be more like you and I want others to be more like you too. Thank you for all that you’re doing. Seriously. I mean it. It’s really awesome. Your patience, your perseverance and love for roller skating is something I admire and you are making a difference.
Jeff Stone [05:46]: And if you have a skating coach out there or a teacher the next time you see them, give them a big hug or a nice firm, hardy handshake and tell them “thank you”. These are the people on the front lines trying to get more people out there skating. And a lot of them are doing it voluntarily, using their own time for no pay, just to try to help other people learn how to enjoy this great sport.
Jeff Stone [06:13]: So I’m asking you to join me and get out there and help other people learn how to roller skate. If you’re already a roller skating coach or if you are planning to join this resolution along with me this year, then head on over to the show notes over at RollerSkateDad.com/4 and tell me about it.
Jeff Stone [06:32]: Tell me about how you plan to help that kid or that adult that’s constantly falling down when you’re at session or at the skate park. Or a fellow roller derby beginner that could use your help. Or a brand new speed, hockey or artistic skater that you could help.
Jeff Stone [06:48]: Even if it’s just 15 minutes, it will make a big difference both in their life as well as yours.
Jeff Stone [06:56]: Okay. So thanks for listening to that short, little aside. I wanted to share with you guys my new year’s resolution and how I’m trying to make this new year’s a little bit different than the ones in the past by focusing more on others and trying to focus less about myself all the time.
Jeff Stone [07:13]: So with all that said, let’s get on with the show. As I said at the beginning of the show, today’s episode is going to be all about how we teach other people how to roller skate.
Jeff Stone [07:26]: So today I’ll be covering a few tips I used when teaching my girls and other beginners how to skate. We’re going to go through my 5 steps of teaching someone new how to roller skate. I’m also gonna share with you a few tips for the skate coach that’s trying to help a newbie learn how to skate. And finally I’m going to share with you the number one thing that I do with any first time skater that you’re trying to teach that just can’t stand up. These are the people that are constantly falling down and they just, they just can’t stand up on all eight wheels.
Jeff Stone [07:59]: Okay. We have a lot to cover. Let’s go!
Jeff Stone [08:02]: These are the 5 steps that I use and that I’ve seen other people use to teach a beginner how to roller skate.
Jeff Stone [08:09]: Step number one, before I teach anyone how to skate, I want to make sure they know three things. First, how to stop, how to fall down properly, and how to get back up.
Jeff Stone [08:22]: The first thing I have everyone do is sit down on the floor. It may seem counterproductive and it does throw some of the new people for a loop when you tell them, you know, sit down first. No, don’t go off and go roller skating. Sit down on the floor, and they think they’re there to learn how to roller skate and they are, but the first thing I want to make sure they know how to do is that they know how to stop, how to fall down properly and how to get back up. And you don’t need to be roller skating to learn those three important things.
Jeff Stone [08:52]: So they’re there on their bottom, on the floor and the first thing I do is actually teach them how to get into a two knee stance. So they’re up on both knees. Then from the two knee stance, I ask them to take one of their legs and actually put that one foot in front of them and get into a one knee stance. Kind of like how you see a football player kneels on one knee at a football game when they’re resting.
Jeff Stone [09:19]: Next I have them place both of their hands on top of that front knee and then push themselves up to a standing position. Then I make them go right back to the floor again and practice it all over again. And we do this repetitively over and over again until they can get up from a seated position easily without any problem. During this time, while I have them seated and they’re not all rolling around everywhere, we also talk about how to fall properly. That you don’t want to fall backwards if at all possible. Here in a minute we’re going to cover the correct skating posture. If the new skater is in the correct skating posture, then they shouldn’t fall backwards. They should fall forward. But we’ll get to that here in just a minute.
Jeff Stone [10:05]: So moving right along to step number two. Step number two is really teaching them all about learning how to stop. Now that they’re up on two feet and they’re standing, before they take off rolling, the very next thing we want to do is make sure that they know how to stop properly. And so this means teaching them how to use their toe stops correctly. Because before they get going, they really need to know how to slow down.
Jeff Stone [10:30]: If the student is in a quad skate, then I’m teaching them how to take let’s say their right foot and push it down to where their toe is touching the ground and that that would be directly beside their left foot and that’s used to slow them down. If I’m teaching a rollerblader how to skate for the first time, the brakes for those are on the back and so I am teaching them to take their heel and press that down into the floor on top of the brake so that that will slow them down and so we have them slowly skate, very slow at the front of the rink practicing, stopping and that’s all they do is just practice stopping. And if at any time they fall down, I try to then make sure that they’re getting up using the correct position to get up from the floor.
Jeff Stone [11:24] As I said earlier, teaching someone how to fall down properly, how to get up properly and how to stop properly. It’s really important that you do that at the beginning because if you don’t, especially with a small child, they’re just going to go run off and want to go skate and they’re not going to learn these three basic things that they really need to know how to do.
Jeff Stone [11:46]: Number three, you want to make sure the person that you’re teaching has the right stance and posture. Their feet should be about shoulder width apart and then they need to have a slight bend in their knees and lean slightly forward. This is what’s known as the basic roller skating stance and it helps to ensure that if the skater does fall down because they have their knees bent and they’re leaning slightly forward, they will fall forward. If they fall.
Jeff Stone [12:15]: Step four. For new skaters, it can be really hard to stand still in a pair of roller skates. You know, first it’s kind of awkward cause they have this five pound weight on their foot. Second, it’s very different than a pair of shoes. You know, it rolls and so some people just have issues trying to stand still when they first start out. That’s normal.
Jeff Stone [12:38]: They can’t control their skates and they don’t really understand how to keep the skate from rolling. So that’s why the next thing that I teach them how to do is how to turn their skates outward, kind of at a 45 degree angle so that their skates are actually facing away from each other. Then I teach them how to walk in that position. We call this the duck walk and this helps to ensure that the skate doesn’t roll on its own as easily and it gets the new skater more comfortable with just learning how to walk with that extra weight on their feet, which is a bit awkward when you first start learning how to do this.
Jeff Stone [13:19]: Step five is honestly the best step and it’s the one that the new roller skater wants to do as step number one and that’s to glide. They want to go skate, so now that they know how to fall down properly, they know how to get back up. They know how to stop. They know the correct skating posture and they know how to duck walk. They are now ready to glide or roller skate.
Jeff Stone [13:43]: Standing on two feet, I have them push off with one foot behind them and glide on the other. Typically, this can be hard for a brand new skater because they’re not very good yet at being able to stand on one foot. This can lead them to doing more of a quick push where they’re pushing quickly and trying to stand on that one leg, but then the leg that they pushed with is like immediately coming back down to the ground out behind them because they don’t actually have their balance figured out yet. This is normal, so I have them push off with one foot and glide on the other and then once they bring that other foot that they pushed off with back to meet the gliding foot, then they push off again with the other foot and glide on the opposite foot. This can often take multiple practices before a beginner skater can actually do this effectively without feeling or looking unbalanced on the floor. And so I don’t progress the skater to the next step just simply because they want to move to the next step. They have to have actually mastered the previous steps first.
Jeff Stone [14:52]: Once they get used to gliding and they’re pretty stable pushing left and right on the floor, then I start working them towards trying to go around corners, not with crossovers, just trying to actually go around the corners safely. Now they’re able to actually complete full circles around the skating floor and so we start working more and more on trying to glide faster by pushing more quickly and trying to gain more speed and keep their stability all at the same time. Because with roller skating, stability and balance are the most important thing. So you don’t want to propel your student from one step to the next too quickly. Otherwise you can shoot your students’ confidence right in the foot.
Jeff Stone [15:36]: So those are just some of the basic steps to teaching a beginner how to roller skate for the first time. There are all kinds of other steps for teaching people how to do crossovers or how to skate backwards or how to spin or jump or speed skate, all kinds of, you know, derby moves. Each of those has its own set of steps that need to be followed in order to do those particular maneuvers correctly. And we’ll cover those on a future set of podcast episodes. In this episode, I wanted to talk about how to teach the beginner skater how to skate for the first time because of my new year’s resolution that I told you about at the beginning of the show.
Jeff Stone [16:16]: So next I want to cover some coaching tips that might help you: the new parent or the friend or even the new skating coach who you know needs a little bit of help to teach a new skater how to skate.
Jeff Stone [16:28]: Tip Number One, my special tip, use the skate wrench on ’em. If you’re teaching someone to roller skate on quads and they just can’t control themselves at all, then the first thing I do is I get out the skate wrench, the skate tool that I have in my bag and I tighten their wheels. I have this multipurpose tool that I carry with me everywhere I go called the PowerDyne Y tool, and it has a ability to be able to loosen or tighten a roller skate axle nut, but any wrench that can easily tighten an axle nut will do. So, when I have a skater and they just can’t control themselves, I pull them off to the side and I have them sit down and I go grab the wrench.
Jeff Stone [17:13]: Then I just tighten the axle nuts down on the wheels until the wheels don’t move at all. Now your skater basically has a really, really heavy raised shoe on their feet. Why do I do this? Because some people just need to get used to walking around in roller skates. You know, it’s a little strange at first. And getting that new skater used to just walking around with this heavier shoe on their feet actually helps because then they’re not rolling. So they don’t have two things that they’re having to think about. I have to think about the weight of my skate and how strange it feels to pick my feet up and have that extra weight there. I have to deal with the fact that my foot is raised up five to six inches off the ground, which is not normal for me. And I also have to deal with the fact that my shoe rolls. That’s a lot for a brand new skater sometimes.
Jeff Stone [18:08]: After I’ve tightened down that new skater’s wheels, I then have them go do a couple of laps around the skating rink floor. Yes, I know they’re just walking, but it actually does help them get more use to the skates that are on their feet. I have found this works really well, especially with younger children who are just learning how to skate for the first time. After they’ve made it a few laps around the track and you know they’re getting kinda tired honestly of walking around the rink, then I ask them to come back and actually sit back down and we loosen that axle nut just a little bit. I then grab my wrench again and I loosen the axle nut a turn so that the wheel rolls about a quarter or half when I spin it. So before I had the axle nut tightened all the way down to where the wheel wouldn’t roll at all. Now I’ve loosened it just a little bit. So the wheel just barely roles.
Jeff Stone [19:08]: Now I ask that skater to go back out again and do a few more laps this time with the wheels rolling just a little bit. So I do this process over and over again with the new skater until they’re stable and I’ve been able to loosen that axle nut enough to make the wheel roll completely. So each time that I’m loosening those wheels and I’m asking that skater to go do another lap, they need to keep full stability while they’re going around and doing that lap. If they don’t have full stability, then I make them stop and I make them do it again. That’s very important because we don’t want that person falling down every time they try to stand. If you can’t stand, then you can’t skate. For some skaters who’s wheels I completely lock, I’m able to loosen them completely and get them fully free spinning on the very first day. They’re able to figure out how to get full stability and be able to stand completely up and so there’s no reason why you wouldn’t completely unlock the wheels.
Jeff Stone [20:09]: For some other skaters out there, it’s a gradual process and it kind of happens more over multiple practice sessions. It honestly just depends on the student.
Jeff Stone [20:20]: So if you don’t have a skate tool, I have another option for you. If you’re in a place with thick carpet, then you can start there. So basically what you do is you take your new skater, you put them on the thick carpet and you make them walk around on the thick carpet. It has a similar effect. The reason why I tell you about the skate tool idea is because it’s the one that I used to use all the time when I taught young skaters how to skate for the first time.
Jeff Stone [20:46]: Most roller rinks don’t have thick carpet. They have very thin carpet that’s on top of concrete and so that doesn’t actually give you the same effect. So I prefer the skate tool method because it’s the one that I’ve used before and it just works well. The upside of the carpet method is, is that if the skater actually falls down, they’re padded. But again, most rinks don’t have thick carpet, so that wasn’t really an option for me when I was teaching someone how to skate.
Jeff Stone [21:14]: So I really don’t understand why I don’t see more skating rinks using this tip. Instead, they use these plastic death traps that I see all around skating rinks today. They’re called skate mates. If you haven’t seen a skate mate before, it’s a few pieces of PVC that are glued together into a makeshift walker. Then wheels are put on the bottom of the walker to make it roll around on the rink floor.
Jeff Stone [21:43]: The beginner skater then stands behind the walker and is supposed to hold on to the PVC and push it along the floor. My biggest problem with the skate mate is that it doesn’t teach kids how to skate properly. They give a child a false sense of security. So the skater should really be at step one: learning how to fall, how to get up, how to stop, you know, learning the correct posture in the stance and duck walking and how to control their skates. But instead, this device sends them all the way to step five (gliding and skating) without learning all the other steps before it.
Jeff Stone [22:20]: The first time skater using these devices are really learning how to roller skate all wrong. There are a number of things that I see skaters who are using these skate mates typically do. One of the first things that I see is that the skater leans way over the skate mate. So, they’re basically using the skate mate as a crutch.
Jeff Stone [22:42]: One of the other things that I typically see is that this beginner skater, who doesn’t really know how to control their skates, is also going two to three times faster than they should be going because their current skill level is not up to being able to control that speed yet. This causes problems when you go up and you try to take the skate mate away. That new skater doesn’t really know how to roller skate. They only know how to use that skate mate as a crutch.
Jeff Stone [23:10]: So I know myself and a lot of other advanced skaters out there who have seen these things really think that this is just about making the roller skating rink more money. Most of the skating rinks out there charge a fee to use this device and they typically charge an hourly fee at that. So these skate mates actually make a roller skating rink quite a bit of money during one session.
Jeff Stone [23:34]: Besides just making the skating rink money, it’s also a way for parents to give their child something and you know, then leave them alone so they can spend more time paying attention to their phone or you know, doing something else besides helping their child.
Jeff Stone [23:48]: So in my opinion, skate mates do not teach a kid how to skate properly. Teaching skating should be left up to all of us. It’s more personal and fun to learn from someone else, especially from someone who you look up to who may be better than you at roller skating. So if you’re a parent out there and you can’t teach your kid how to skate because maybe you don’t know how to skate, then find an experienced skater who does know how to skate and ask them for help.
Jeff Stone [24:17]: You’re going to get way better results and you’re going to spend a whole lot less money, too.
Jeff Stone [24:23]: Moving right along to tip number two: have your student get their own roller skates. I know for some students out there, this may not be an option, but in my opinion, this is the number one thing that can get anyone skating quickly. If someone has their own pair of skates, even if they’re really cheap, they will use them all the time, especially if they’re excited about this new sport and new hobby that they’re doing. And if you want your kid or your student to skate, then they need to have their own skates. It’s the quickest way to get them to the next level fast.
Jeff Stone [24:59]: You can get a brand new pair of Chicago Classic roller skates for about $45 from Amazon. These are the white boots, pink wheel or the Black boot with the blue wheel skates that so many of us first learned on.
Jeff Stone [25:14]: I learned on a pair of skates just like these when I was eight years old. Are they the best skates out there? No, but for a young child or a first time skater, they’re good enough. And the key here is not about whether they are the best or not. The key is to get that first time skater skating more regularly. And people who have their own skates typically tend to skate more than a person who does not. So, I’ll put a link to these skates in the show notes as well as on the resources page.
Jeff Stone [25:49]: Tip three, getting better takes practice. When I was first teaching my girls how to skate, we had them roller skate in our garage for a couple of weeks. Then, after they were able to skate and stand up pretty well, that’s when I started taking them to our local rink at least once per week. You don’t have to go to a skating rink, though. My sister and I skated hundreds of times on concrete and in our parents’ house for many, many months before we ever went to a skating rink.
Jeff Stone [26:20]: For those of you listening to me here in the United States who want to save a little bit of money going to a skating rink, I have a great resource for you. It’s called KidsSkateFree.com. This site provides free roller skating admission for kids. I used this program several years ago when my children were younger. It does cost $4 per year per child to sign up and get these free passes. You’ll also want to go to their site, you know, select your state and then see if you’re skating rink is even listed. Because not all skating rinks are part of the program. If you’re skating rink is not part of the program, then I recommend that you go talk to your rink about why they aren’t listed and if they plan to get listed in the future.
Jeff Stone [27:05]: It’s actually a great resource for both parents as well as for rink owners. The other reason why you want to look up your rink is because each rink can actually set their age policy as they see fit. So for my rink here in Austin, Texas, they only offer free admission for children under the age of 11 but each rink is different, so you just have to go check for yourself.
Jeff Stone [27:28]: Again, skating in a rink is just one option when someone is first learning how to skate. Honestly, when someone is first learning how to roller skate, the cheapest option is to skate outdoors. It’s free. The most important thing to take away from this tip is you want to encourage your student or the person that you’re helping to get regular practice. Kids are especially good at learning things quickly, but they even need practice as well, and so you really want to encourage regular weekly practice to help improve skills and tell them that the more they practice, the faster they’re going to see improvement.
Jeff Stone [28:06]: All right, my last teaching tip, tip number four: you have to both teach as well as practice patience.
Jeff Stone [28:14]: First, we have to remember that roller skating is all about having fun. Roller skating is fun. And when I’m teaching or honestly when I’m learning something new, I always have to remember just how hard it is for someone to learn something brand new. It’s easy for me both as a student as well as a teacher to become impatient and want the student or myself to learn faster. We all would like to get the results faster without putting in all the work, but you know, sadly, that’s just not the way things usually work when we’re learning something new.
Jeff Stone [28:52]: Kids especially can get frustrated and that’s okay. You can tell a kid that everybody falls, even experienced skaters and it’s just part of the learning process. The important thing is just to stay patient but be persistent and I have found that the more fun that you make the learning experience as a coach, a friend or a parent, the more likely the student is to have fun too. And just always remember that that’s what this is really all about having fun.
Jeff Stone [29:22]: Okay. I think that’s a pretty good summary of how to teach someone knew how to roller skate. I want to thank you guys so much for being here. If you want to know more about the products that I mentioned in this podcast or if you want to see anything that I recommend, you can check out my resources page over at RollerSkateDad.com/resources.
Jeff Stone [29:43]: Also, be sure to check out the show notes where you can find the transcript for this episode. You can also get any products or links that I mentioned during the show on the show notes page. It’s also a great place to leave me a comment or ask me a question about the show. You can get to the show notes for this show by going to RollerSkateDad.com/4.
Jeff Stone [30:03]: And, if you haven’t already, please subscribe to the podcast. You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts and Stitcher and Spotify. So subscribe wherever you listen today. Also, while you’re on your favorite podcast platform, be sure to leave me a review and rate the show. Tell me what you think about it. I’d love to hear from you, so drop me a line and let me know your thoughts about the show.
Jeff Stone [30:33]: Finally, you’re going to want to be a member of the Roller Skate Dad Club. Sign up is free and easy. All you need is a valid email address and you’re in. The club is a great way to stay in touch with me. To learn more about what’s going on with the website, what’s going on with the show and podcast. So if you haven’t already signed up, head on over to RollerSkateDad.com and join the club today.
Jeff Stone [30:58]: Okay, everyone, we’re done for this one, so until the next time, get on out there and skate.
Announcer [31:06]: Thank you for listening to The Roller Skate Dad Podcast at www.rollerskatedad.com. If you liked what you heard today, please be sure to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, or wherever you’re listening.
Wrapping Up
Thanks again for rollin’ by. If you have a question about the podcast or just want to leave me a note, please comment below.
I hope you will join me every week for a new episode of The Roller Skate Dad podcast.
Please subscribe to the podcast on whichever podcasting platform you listen on. And, don’t forget to join the Roller Skate Dad Club. You can do that easily with just your first name and email address from any page on this website.
Did you like what you heard? Do you want to hear more? Check out these additional episodes:
- Episode 1 – Get Out There & Skate
- Episode 2 – The Roller Skate Wheels Episode
- Episode 3 – The Roller Skate Bearings Show
- Episode 4 – Teaching Roller Skating to Others
- Episode 5 – Roller Skating Injuries & Protective Gear
- Episode 6 – Avid Roller Skater Alberto Quinones
- Episode 7 – Rollergirls: The Story of Flat Track Derby
- Episode 8 – The Roller Skate Boots Show
- Episode 9 – Starting a Roller Skating Rink
- Episode 10 – United Skates Documentary with Tina Brown and Dyana Winkler
- Episode 11 – The Skate Critic with Ginger Mathews
- Episode 12 – Milla Juke-a-bitch
- Episode 13 – Ask Dad: Your Roller Skating Questions Answered
- Episode 14 – Ask Dad – Balancing Exercises, Helping a Child Skate & Picking Skates for Stability
- Episode 15 – UK Artistic Roller Skating Performer, Coach & Organizer Dave Nicholls
- Episode 16 – Building Nonprofit Roller Skating Clubs with Dave Nicholls (part 2)
- Episode 17 – Roller Skating Health Benefits
- Episode 18 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 1: The Skater’s Mindset
- Episode 19 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 2: Tips for Picking Out Your First Roller Skates – Part 1 of 2
- Episode 20 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 3: Tips for Picking Out Your First Roller Skates – Part 2 of 2
- Episode 21 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 4: Choosing Your First Roller Skates
- Episode 22 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 5: Picking Out Your Safety Gear
- Episode 23 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 6: Falling Down & Getting Back Up
- Episode 24 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 7: Learn How to Stop on Roller Skates
- Episode 25 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 8: Skate Forwards Without Falling Down
- Episode 26 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 9: Balance, Standing on One Foot & Crossovers
- Episode 27 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 10: Roller Skating Backwards
- Episode 28 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 11: Doing Backwards Crossovers
- Episode 29 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 12: Doing Two Foot Turns
- Episode 30 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 13: Doing One Foot Turns
- Episode 31 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 14: Doing the Bunny Hop
- Episode 32 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 15: Doing a Waltz Jump
- Episode 33 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 16: Doing a Two Foot Spin
- Episode 34 – Getting Started Roller Skating – Part 17: Getting into a Roller Sport
Want to Learn More About Skating?
Want more reviews on roller skates? Check out my Best Roller Skates page for a list of all of the quad roller skates I recommend. I also have pages for roller skates for men, roller skates for women and roller skates for kids where I recommend the best skates on the market today. Or, check out my roller skates for beginners if you are completely new to roller skating.
Or, if rollerblades or inline skates are more your style, then check out my rollerblades for men, rollerblades for women or rollerblades for kids pages. Or, if you are completely new, check out my rollerblades for beginners page.